Arts & Sciences

Roles & Responsibilities

Project Manager: I managed the migration and development tasks and monitored staff resources. I also ensured any associated tasks by vendors were done on schedule.

Lead Developer: Working with a designer, I developed all new required features and facilitated the migration and build.

Project Details

Goal: Migrate the large College of Arts & Sciences website while maintaining an organized structure, creating new interface components, and collaborating with and external agency.

Audience: The audience of this project are college students and prospective college students.

Challenge: One challenge for me was to manage this large-scale migration including gathering requirements, timelines, work estimates, implementation, delegation, and client expectation and comminication. I enjoyed the experience and succeeded to migrate over 3500 nodes through scripting and collaboration with many custom designs and new features.

Some elements that I made include a dynamic weather interface, RSS feeds, and integration with 3rd party services such as Acalog.

Screenshot of the College of Arts Sciences website.